造句 | - 優秀的領導者可以激勵團隊,鼓勵他們克服挑戰和實現目標。Great leaders can inspire teams, encouraging them to overcome challenges and achieve goals.
- 即使遇到困難,堅持不懈的努力和耐心依然是成功的關鍵。Even in the face of adversity, persistence and patience are still key to success.
- 我們必須承認,經濟發展和生態保護之間存在著不可避免的衝突。We must recognize that there is inevitably a conflict between economic development and environmental protection.
- 科技的發展幫助人們在許多領域取得了卓越的進步,但也帶來了新的挑戰。Technological advancement has helped people to achieve significant progress in many areas, but has also brought new challenges.
- 我們必須保持冷靜,對待我們所面臨的所有問題,並尋找解決問題的最佳方法。We must stay calm in the face of all the problems we encounter, and seek out the best ways to solve them.
- 教育是我們社會的基石,學習是一生的過程。Education is the foundation of our society, and learning is a lifelong process.
- 直到你去探索未知的領域,你才會發現自己真正的潛力。It is only when you explore unknown areas that you discover your true potential.
- 尊重彼此,共存共榮,是建立和諧社會的重要基礎。Respecting each other and coexisting in prosperity is an important foundation for building a harmonious society.
- 恐懼常常是我們克服障礙的主要障礙,勇氣是戰勝恐懼的關鍵。Fear is often the primary obstacle in our way of overcoming obstacles, and courage is the key to overcoming fear.
- 工作不僅是賺錢的方式,也可以成為我們實現夢想的途徑。Work is not only a way to make money, but can also be a path to realizing our dreams.
用法、例句 | [造句]英語幾乎已成為世界各國通用的語言了。 |
釋意 | 英、美等民族的語言。屬於印歐語系,在世界六大洲廣泛使用。分布在英國、美國、加拿大、澳大利亞等地。文字採用拉丁字母。 |