造句 | - 哨兵在深夜警戒,眼睛盯著那漆黑的路,守護人民生命財產安全。(Sentinels keep watch in the dead of night, scanning the pitch-black road, guarding the welfare of the people)
- 哨兵面帶嚴肅,身穿制服,守護城門,是守護城市平安的重要力量。(A sentinel stands solemn, decked in his uniform, guarding the city gate, a vital force in maintaining peace)
- 哨兵們守衛著工廠,警惕不法之徒,保障生產秩序,確保產品品質。(Sentinels safeguard the factory, watchful against wrong-doers, maintaining production order, securing product quality)
- 哨兵把清晰目標,天黑時消失在黑暗中,冷靜應對各種突發狀況。(Sentinels have sharp vision, they disappear into darkness when night falls, calmly handling all sorts of emergencies)
- 哨兵高聳的魁梧身影,是敵人的威脅和我們的信心。(The towering silhouette of a sentinel is a threat to enemies and a source of confidence for us)
- 哨兵保衛著國境線,捍衛著祖國的尊嚴,是國家不可或缺的安全哨兵。(Sentinels protect the borders, defending the dignity of our nation, an indispensable force for national security)
- 哨兵面對威脅,堅守崗位,忠於職守,千方百計保障我們的安全。(Facing threats, sentinels hold their posts, remaining loyal to their duty, taking all necessary measures to ensure our safety)
- 哨兵勇敢地迎接挑戰,沉著冷靜地完成任務,是士兵的優良榜樣。(Sentinels bravely meet challenges, calmly completing their missions, an exemplary model for soldiers)
- 哨兵在艱苦的環境下耐心等待,時刻警覺,保障士兵的生命安全。(Sentinels patiently wait in tough environments, staying alert, safeguarding the lives of soldiers)
- 哨兵們守護著各個城市角落,保障市民的平安安心,是城市建設的重要支柱。(Sentinels guard various corners of cities, ensuring the safety and peace of mind of citizens, a crucial pillar for urban construction)